We are proud to present the achievements of this year's student projects for the first half of the Google Summer of Code. We are happy to announce that all five students passed their halftime evaluations. The students will continue to contribute to different areas of our wide ecosystem, ranging from modernizing our web presence over world generation both, in space and on earth, to improvements in various gameplays.

Google Summer of Code Timeline

Being already in the work period, most of the relevant GSoC dates are already past us. However, let's take a quick look at what's left for this year's Google Summer of Code.

gsoc 2021 timeline

Seven of the eleven weeks of working are already behind us, including the halftime evaluations. For the students, this means they have four more weeks to finish their projects and submit their final work product. Afterwards, the mentors will do the final evaluation of the students' work to assess who passes and who fails. The final results of GSoC 2021 will be announced on August 31, a bit more than five weeks from now.

Read on to learn what the students achieved in the first half of their projects!

Alluri Harshit Varma

Quality Improvements for Light & Shadow

Alluri (aka @ahv15) completed the overhaul of the LightAndShadow module. The student removed unused code and refactored the remainder of the project to properly follow our event-based Entity-Component-System architecture. Further, they consolidated logic corresponding to a particular topic, making it easier to merge packages, and added documentation to better explain in which scenarios certain systems are used.

Second, Alluri improved the gameplay, for instance by preventing trees from obstructing gameplay-relevant areas such as the fool's platform and the team bases. Further improvements targeted the starting and respawning inventory as well as weapon drops and pickups in the event of a player's death. Moreover, the student introduced a pre-game phase in which players are invulnerable and restricted to a circular area around their team base. As soon as there is at least one player in each team, the countdown to the beginning of the actual game round starts. This phase should allow players to join teams and prepare themselves for the game without being able to influence it yet. Thus, players that join earlier do not have an unfair advantage.

las pregame phase
las pregame phase countdown