MovingBlocks is once again participating in Google Code-In this year. Google Code-In is a program aimed at getting younger students involved in open source projects, by having them complete tasks set up by these projects. It runs from 28th of November to 17th of January. There are plenty of tasks set up for you to have fun with!
This year, Tiled has been invited to join MovingBlocks and we have set up three tasks, where you can help improving the documentation about the Tiled support in various libraries and frameworks, by reading up on them and trying them out and eventually even contributing to them directly.
Are you a pre-university student aged 13 to 17? Here's your chance to do something fun while at the same time competing for prizes from T-shirts to a trip to Google HQ!
And of course we're here to help! There are a lot of mentors ready to answer any questions you may have. For questions about Tiled, you'll also want to try the Tiled IRC channel and forum.